UAG-93: Ionogram Analysis with the Generalised Program POLAN

By J. E. Titheridge

POLAN is widely recognised as the standard program for obtaining electron density profiles from ionograms. The software has been readily available for many years and papers in the literature are available for those wishing to explore its processes in greater detail.

UAG-93, published in 1985, describes the procedures and models developed for POLAN in reasonable detail together with descriptions of how the program can be run. Since it is now difficult to obtain a hard copy of this report, it has been scanned to make it available on the INAG Website as PDF files.

Thanks to Thomas Ulich ( ) for producing a complete file with internal links

For convenience, the current version (1995 release) of the POLAN software has also been made available on this page. All the files required to build and run POLAN are available here as a zip file.


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