A07: Education and Training in Metrology

Wednesday, August 20  09:40-10:40,  Room #18

Session Chair: William Davis

The electromagnetic metrology community focuses on unifying measurements of radio waves, temperature, humidity, radioactivity, DC frequency, fiber optics, photometry, and ionizing radiation. Those who participate in electromagnetic metrology work toward creating The goal is generally a unified form of electrical voltage and currents that describe or characterize an electromagnetic system. Without electromagnetic metrology and related standards, different standards of measurement would be used throughout the world for electrical measurements. Products would no longer have standards for evaluation or repair, leading to a failure of systems. Understanding the basics of such measurements if fundamental to electromagnetic eduation. Students need to understand the processes, the standard, the calibration process, and the variances of such measurements to effectively evaluate systems and the related performance.

This session is intended to be a Panel Discussion.